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adverb) 빛나는; 기쁨에 넘친, 희색이 만면한, 밝은

:used to describe a smile that is very wide and happy,

or someone who is smiling in this way:

- "Hello, Riley", said Mom, beaming.






noun) 목격자 / verb 목격하다

: to see something happenespecially an accident or crime

- It was the memory of what Joy had just witnessed! 





adjective) 거무스름하게 , 수수하게 , 음침하게.

: in a way that is serioussad, and without humor or entertainment.

Dark or dreary in character; joyless, and grim.

- "I'm Sadness." the blue newcomer said to joy, introducing herself somberly.



verb) (갑자기·불가사의하게) 나타나다

:  If a person or thing materializes, they suddenly appear, 

after they have been invisible or in another place. (=appear)

- Someone else materialized at the console and started working the controls.



noun) 신인, 새로온 사람, 신참자

 A newcomer is a person who has recently arrived in a place, 

joined an organization, or started a new activity.





verb) (특히 반갑지 않은 일에) 맞닥뜨리다[부딪히다]

: If you encounter problems or difficulties, you experience them.

- He guided her whenever she encountered something he thought was dangerous.



verb) 저장[보관]하다

: to put or keep things in a special place for use in the future

: When you store things, you put them in a container or 

other place and leave them there until they are needed. (=keep)

- All of Riley's memories associated with Fear were stored in purple spheres.





*Heat something up

verb) ~을 뜨겁게 만들다, 데우다.

: to make something warm or hot



noun ) 불평등, 부당함

: a situation in which there is no fairness and justice

- Life's injustices reall heated him up!



Verb ) 노려[쏘아]보다 (=glower)

: to look at someone or something with a very annoyed expression

- he was always ready to release a scowl, scream, or growl at any unfair situation.



Verb ) ~에 자족하다

: to make someone feel happy and satisfied

- Most of the time they were content to let Joy the console.



Verb )  형성되다, 형성시키다

: to begin to exist or to make something begin to exist

- They were formed when Riley had big "Life moments".





*Stretch over

Verb )  펼쳐놓다



Noun ) (좁고 험한) 산골짜기, 협곡 (=gorge)

- The core memories powered the Island of Personality with lightlines, 

which like electrical cords that stretched over a deep ravin from headquarteres to the actual islands.





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