here's the thing though all right I don't expect everyone know everything
all right but definitely Americans are ignorant because like a couple times
after a show after a comedy show that you know people come up to me
hey, I gotta tell you something. are you uh North Korean or South Korean?
am i am i a north korean comedian bruh? I'm like okay honestly there's
there's millions of people starving to death in North Korea they don't allow anybody to escape
if you do escape into China and they capture you'll to take it back and torture(고문) you and sometimes
your entire family I was thinking what would it take for someone escape North Korea to China somehow
learn English through Google come here and become a stand-up comedian
he'd be the most ambitious comedian on earth to get his own HBO special. right?
I don't care about food I don't care about clothing, must tell a joke I must tell a joke
and how's the north korean comedian gonna be like man
hello everybody, i am american, anybody have food today?
yeah i tried for two days in a row(잇달아, 연이어) amazing
it's a serious situation that's why i want to get a tattoo that raise awareness
like a lot of women they get tattoos of butterflies above their ass
they're raising work now they're raising awareness for a butterflies are becoming extinct(멸종된, 사라진)
and every year the wings get bigger and bigger and bigger. I wanted to get a meaningful tattoo
so I got a tattoo of North and South Korea on my ass / my crack(무엇이 갈라져 생긴 금, 틈) and why you guys laughing?
why you guys laughing? every time I use a restroom I feel the pain of my divided country.
and you guys are laughing that's messed up.
I asked my boy you know Walter I'm like yo what if the North Korean leader he said that
he would release North Korean refugees into America if you took it up the ass from him he was like,
oh man dude why you ask me these questions man he's like I'll do for a million, a million refugee that
you would have to do for million right? you would have to do it you would have to take it up the ass
if a million starving women and children [ ] release into freedom.
you'd be a hero man, but you'd be a different kind of hero.
the rest you're alive I was like that's the person you know,
like released the refugees and you know what a statue looks like right
the statues like it go go go.
가끔 자동완성 영어자막이 틀리거나 잘못된 경우가 있다. 그래서 뭔가 좀 문맥상 이해가 안가고 이상하다 싶은 같은 것들은 최대한 직접 다시 들어보고 쓰는편인데 진짜 뭐라는지 모르겠고 잘 안들리는 부분이 있어서 그냥 공백으로 남겨두었다. ㅠㅠ 아시는분, 들리시는 분은 혹시라도 댓글로 남겨주시길..