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In the United States, the baby boomer generation includes those that were born in the time after World War II In the United States, the baby boomer generation includes those that were born in the time after World War II. Those babies are now reaching retirement age. As these adults age, many of their adult children worry about how they will take care of their aging parents. In the United States it is not common for multiple generations to live under one roof. Once children grow up and get married, they .. 2023. 4. 4.
study shows that while identical twins look alike, they are not clones. A study shows that while identical twins look alike, they are not clones. Scientists analyzed DNA from 387 pairs of identical twins. They looked for mutations in the early stages of development. A mutation is a change in the sequence of the DNA. This can occur when a cell splits. A change can cause slight differences in the DNA when it splits. A tiny change can create differences in height, inte.. 2023. 3. 23.
Social media is becoming addicting. Social media is becoming addicting. Research shows that most people spend on average almost 4 hours a day on social networking sites. That's almost 30 hours a week. While some people use social media for work or to stay in touch with friends, other people find that using social media so much causes anxiety and stress. So, just as many religions ask people to abstain, or not to have certain foods.. 2023. 3. 20.
The cold is a viral infectious disease that primarily affects the nose and the respiratory tract The cold is a viral infectious disease that primarily affects the nose and the respiratory tract. It is the most frequent infectious disease in humans. The average adult gets two to four colds a year, while the average child may get six to eight. They occur commonly during the winter. Signs and symptoms include coughing, sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, and fever. People usually recover in sev.. 2023. 3. 16.
Addiction is a type of brain disorder characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite unfavorable consequences. Addiction is a type of brain disorder characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite unfavorable consequences. As described by researchers, addiction causes an "extremely huge financial and human toll" on individuals and society. Classic symptoms of addiction include loss of productivity, impaired control over behavior, and obsessive use of substances. Habits and patterns as.. 2023. 3. 10.
AI 챗봇 "ChatGPT" 사용후기 (더이상 원어민 tutor없어도 되겠다...) 우연히 유튜브 채널 '천재이승국' 에서 그가 AI 챗봇을 사용해본 후기를 보게됐다. 보자마자 바로 검색해서 사용해봤는데 네이버에 "ChatGPT"라고 검색하면 바로 상단에 뜬다. 회원가입은 기존 구글 계정으로 빠르게 하고 로긴 후 무료로 사용할 수 있는데 (무료라는게 진짜 대박인 부분) 왜냐하면 시중에 영어를 첨삭해주는 어플들 중에 실제로 유료 결제를 해야만 사용할 수 있는 어플리케이션이 많기 때문에, 심지어 유료 결제로 사용해도 뭔가 썩 퀄리티가 석연치 않은 부분이 많다. 근데 이 챗봇은 무료인데 언어 전문 챗봇이다보니 상상 이상으로 엄청난 퀄리티를 자랑한다. https://youtu.be/f4U1FCJJjpQ 실제로 어떤 퀄리티인지 캡쳐본을 올려보겠다. 나는 처음에 내가 만든 영어 문장을 첨삭 해줄 .. 2023. 3. 10.
Filmmaking is the process of making and producing a film Filmmaking is the process of making and producing a film. Filmmaking involves a number of separate stages including an initial story, scriptwriting, casting, shooting, editing, and screening. The screening process can also have a preparatory procedure, which is screening the finished product before an audience that would result in the actual film release and exhibition. Filmmaking takes place in.. 2023. 3. 6.
The side effects of computer addiction. Computer addiction can be defined as the excessive or compulsive use of the computer which persists despite serious negative effects on a personal or social function. The concept of computer addiction is broadly divided into two types, namely offline and online computer addiction. Researchers link computer addiction with existing mental health issues, most notably depression. Studies showed that.. 2023. 2. 28.
stuck at, move foreward, close rapport with, caught up, go back and forth, cross the line, hold someone's back. (구동사 공부 - phrasal verbs) -stuck at : ~에 갇혀있다, ~를 열심히 하다, 사로잡혀있다. -(go) move forward = goes well, 나아가다, 진행하다. -close rapport with : ~와 친밀한 관계를 맺다 -caught up : 특정사람과 엮이게 된, 사로잡혀있다. (=stuck at) -as if : 마치 ~인것처럼 -go back and forth : 갈팡질팡하다, 오락가락하다, 우물쭈물하다, 기분이 안정되지 않다 -cross the line : 선넘다 -hold someone's back : 저지하다 ,억제하다, 망설이게하다, 발목을 잡다 Critical : (안 좋은 점을 들어 말하는) 비판적인, 비난하는 eager to : 하고 싶은 생각이 간절하다 Reinvigorated : 활기차고.. 2023. 2. 19.
A unique rescue operation in India's Nagaland state. Footage shared on social media captured a unique rescue operation when hundreds of villagers from a community in India´s Nagaland state pulled a truck out of a gorge after it fell 21 meters from a narrow road. The local village administration had requested fit and healthy men from the village to join the mass rescue effort in the village of Kutsapo. Because no machinery was available, villagers .. 2023. 2. 9.
consumption trends in 2022 1.Rustic Life : Rustic life is becoming hip. The rustic life refers to a lifestyle that wants to enjoy the leisure of country life while living in the city. Rather than being a remote village cut off from the city, it means pursuing a simple life by practicing “Odo Ichon(It means choosing to return to farming)” stays in the city for about five days a week and spending weekend in the countryside... 2023. 1. 25.
Young Koreans maximize small rooms with cozy interiors A growing number of Koreans in their 20s and 30s are turning their small studio apartments into cozy nooks. More people are sharing photos of their home interiors on social media platforms, showcasing carefully decorated rooms. A search of the hashtag “ja-chi-bang,” a Korean word for small studio apartments where people live alone, on Instagram found over 180,000 posts. The photos depict snug, w.. 2023. 1. 8.
Africa’s Sahara ‘most dangerous place on Earth’. The Sahara was the most dangerous place on Earth 100 million years ago, according to scientists. A team of international researchers has found that the African desert region was once home to “ferocious predators” including flying reptiles and crocodile-like hunters living in a vast river system. The biggest review in almost 100 years of fossils from Cretaceous rock formations in south-eastern Mo.. 2022. 12. 26.
스탠드업 코미디 : PK - 북한 코미디언 North Korean Comedian https://youtu.be/wDgu8S0nllU here's the thing though all right I don't expect everyone know everything all right but definitely Americans are ignorant because like a couple times after a show after a comedy show that you know people come up to me hey, I gotta tell you something. are you uh North Korean or South Korean? am i am i a north korean comedian bruh? I'm like okay honestly there's there'.. 2022. 12. 18.
스탠드업 코미디 - 지미 양 : Whole food chicken, Free ranged chcken (자유방목치킨ㅋㅋ) https://youtu.be/68LNulC6710 몇년전에 봤던 영상인데 아마 지미양 스탠드업 코미디중에서 개인적으로 이 영상을 제일 베스트로 꼽고싶음ㅋㅋ I definitely got like a little man syndrome and a lot of things like starting to tick me off(화나게하다). do you guys shop at Whole Foods anybody? shop it okay, richwhite people in here I see it. I'm on HBO I still can't afford(~을 살,할, 금전적 시간적 여유 형편이 되다) chicken at Whole Foods. that's messed up. chickens eight tho.. 2022. 12. 14.
스탠드업코미디) 앤소니 제슬닉의 여자 몸매와 뚱뚱함에 대한 농담 https://youtu.be/O_PoKr-T11E This week we chose female body image. Now can you discuss female body image without being insulting(모욕) and degrading(비하,저하)? Of course not enjoy. Now doctor what is your name and what do you do ? I am dr.jordana mansbacher and i am a licensed therapist. Why do you think so many women have body image issues? There is cultural pressure there's media pressure to look a.. 2022. 12. 11.
영어단어공부) Threshold - 문턱, 한계점 * Threshold : 문턱, 한계점,레벨 1.threshold noun (ENTRANCE) : the floor of an entrance to a building or room ex ) It's traditional for a men to carry his bridge over the threshold. 2.threshold noun (LEVEL) : the level or point at which you start to experience something, or at which something starts to happen ex ) I have a low/high boredom threshold (=I do/don't feel bored easily) ex ) He earns $400 a m.. 2022. 11. 27.
cram - 밀어[쑤셔] 넣다, 잔뜩 들어가다, 벼락치기 공부를 하다 - Cram : 밀어[쑤셔] 넣다, 잔뜩 들어가다, 벼락치기 공부를 하다 : 1. 좁은 공간에 가득 꽉 채워 밀어 넣는 느낌, 2. 벼락치기 공부를 하다. 1. to force a lot of things into a small space to fill (something) so that there is no room for anything else, to fill (something) completely ex ) Eight children were crammed into the back of the car. The room was packed and we were crammed against the door. 2. to do many things in a short period of time a qui.. 2022. 11. 4.