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cram - 밀어[쑤셔] 넣다, 잔뜩 들어가다, 벼락치기 공부를 하다

by Fancy_sailor 2022. 11. 4.





- Cram : 밀어[쑤셔] 넣다, 잔뜩 들어가다, 벼락치기 공부를 하다

: 1. 좁은 공간에 가득 꽉 채워 밀어 넣는 느낌, 2. 벼락치기 공부를 하다.


1. to force a lot of things into a small space 

to fill (something) so that there is no room for anything else, to fill (something) completely


ex )

Eight children were crammed into the back of the car.

The room was packed and we were crammed against the door.



2. to do many things in a short period of time  

a quick period of study in order to learn a lot of information quickly for a test, exam, etc.

to try to learn a lot very quickly before an exam



She's cramming for her history exam.

I had to cram three countries into a week's business trip.






