A growing number of Koreans in their 20s and 30s are turning their small studio apartments into cozy nooks. More people are sharing photos of their home interiors on social media platforms, showcasing carefully decorated rooms. A search of the hashtag “ja-chi-bang,” a Korean word for small studio apartments where people live alone, on Instagram found over 180,000 posts. The photos depict snug, warmly lit spaces usually consisting of either a single bed, a desk, or a small kitchen space. The decorations are not luxurious but minimal and intimate. The Instagram page “Todayhouse”, which shares submitted photos of artfully decorated studio apartments around Korea, has over 446,000 followers. Many of the submitted photos show home theaters that use projectors on walls or small home cafes, consisting of one tiny table with magazines, flowers, and coffee. Older generations of Koreans valued hard work and persistence, while the current generation strives for well-being in their lives. The enthusiasm for turning small rooms into pleasant spaces also reflects the faltering economy, reports say. As younger generations find it increasingly difficult to afford large houses, they are instead making the most out of their small living spaces. This phenomenon has birthed the concept of “fast furniture,” or affordable household items that can be easily replaced with changing trends, according to reports.





작은 원룸을 아늑한 공간으로 바꾸는 20, 30대 한국인들이 늘고 있다. 더 많은 사람들이 집 인테리어 사진을 소셜 미디어 플랫폼에 공유하며 세심하게 꾸며진 방들을 보여주고 있다. 인스타그램에서 혼자 사는 작은 원룸의 한국어 단어인 "자취방"을 검색한 결과 18만 건이 넘는 게시물이 발견되었다. 그 사진들은 보통 싱글 침대, 책상 또는 작은 부엌 공간으로 구성된 아늑하고 따뜻한 조명의 공간을 묘사한다. 장식은 고급스럽지 않고 미니멀하고 친밀하다. 국내 곳곳에 예술적으로 꾸며진 원룸 사진을 제출받은 사진을 공유하는 인스타그램 페이지 '투데이하우스'에는 44만6000명이 넘는 팔로워가 있다. 제출된 사진 중 상당수는 벽에 프로젝터를 사용하는 홈시어터나 작은 홈카페를 보여주는데, 잡지, 꽃, 커피 등이 놓인 작은 테이블 하나로 구성돼 있다. 한국의 기성세대들은 근면과 끈기를 중요시하는 반면, 현재 세대들은 그들의 삶에서 행복을 위해 노력한다. 작은 방을 쾌적한 공간으로 바꾸려는 열정도 경기가 휘청거리는 것을 반영한다고 한다. 젊은 세대들이 큰 집을 사기가 점점 어려워짐에 따라, 그들은 대신 그들의 작은 생활 공간을 최대한 활용하고 있다. 이러한 현상은 "빠른 가구", 즉 변화하는 유행에 쉽게 대체될 수 있는 저렴한 가정용품이라는 개념을 낳았다고 보도되었다.





Nooks : (아늑하고 조용한) 곳[구석]

small space that is hidden or partly sheltered


Showcasing : 선보이는, 보여주는


 Depict(말이나 그림으로) 묘사하다[그리다]

to represent or show something in a picture or story


Snug : 포근한, 아늑한 (=cosy)

feeling warmcomfortable, and protected, or (of a placeespecially a small place)

giving feelings of warmthcomfort, and protection:


Lit = light : 조명


Intimate : 친(밀)한, 사적인[은밀한]

having, or being likely to cause,

a very close friendship or personal or sexual relationship


Persistence : 고집, (없어지지 않고 오래 동안) 지속됨, 끈기

the fact that someone or something persists


Strive : 분투하다

to try very hard to do something or to make something happen

especially for a long time or against difficulties


Enthusiasm : 열광; 열정, 열의

feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity 

and an eagerness to be involved in it


Falter : 불안정해지다, 흔들리다

to lose strength or purpose and stop, or almost stop


Afford : (…을 살·할·금전적·시간적) 여유[형편]가 되다

to be able to buy or do something because you have enough money or time


phenomenon : 현상


Affordable : 감당할 수 있는, 알맞은

not expensive





Adjective) 아주 우스운[재미있는]

extremely funny and causing a lot of laughter

- Joy slapped her knee and laughed. "She's hilarious!"






Verb) (미간이) 찡그러지다, (미간을) 찡그리다

If someone furrows their brow or forehead or if it furrows, deep folds appear in it

- Riley's smile faded and her brow furrowed.






 Adverb) 유죄로, 죄진 것처럼

in a way that shows that you feel guilty

- Their eyes landed on Sadness, who was guiltily touching the memory shpere.






Verb) (계속) 훌쩍거리다

to breathe in quickly and repeatedly through the nose,

usually because you are crying or because you have a cold

- Riley was sniffling, and some of the kids were whispering.




Verb) 약간 움직이다[움직이게 하다], 꼼짝하다

If something will not budge or you cannot budge it, it will not move

- Digust all tried to get the memory out, but it wouldn't budge.



*Trail off

Phrasal verb) 서서히 사라지다.

to become less in amount or loudness

- Her voice trailed off and she was unable to speak.




verb) 홱 잡아당기다

to pull something forcefully with a quick movement

- She yanked the memory out and pulled Sadness off the controls.




verb) 씽 소리내며 날다[회전하다, 움직이다] <모터 등이> 윙윙 돌다

to make a softcontinuous sound like a wheel turning very quickly

- The bright blue memory rolled down the track

as the core memory holder whirred into action.




verb)(가볍게아무렇게나) 던지다

to throw something carelessly




Verb) (특히 힘겹게 손으로 몸을 지탱하며) 재빨리 움직이다 (=clamber)

to move or climb quickly but with difficulty,

often using your hands to help you:





Noun)(아이들이 가지고 노는) 구슬

 Marble is a type of very hard rock which feels cold you

Marbles is a children's game played with small ball

- Joy quickly tossed the blue memory aside and scrambled

as she tried to collect the core memories

rolling around the floor like marbles.





Verb) 와락 붙잡다, 잡아채다, 잡아뺏다, 움켜쥐다, 강탈하다

((up, down, away, off, from))

to take hold of something suddenly and roughly

- Sadness snatched up the blue core memory and moved to

place it in the core momory holder. 




Verb)(사람을 공격하거나 무엇을 움켜잡으려고) 달려들다[돌진하다]

to move forward suddenly and with force,

 especially in order to attack someone:

- But Joy lunged and caused it to slip out of her hands.




Verb) 굴러 떨어지다[떨어지게 하다] (보통 심한 부상을 입지는 않음)

If someone or something tumbles somewhere,

they fall there with a rolling or bouncing movement.

-  Joy tumbled backward and dropped the memories

she had gathered.






Adverb) 어찌해 볼 수도 없이, 의지할 데 없이

in a way that is helpless 

(= unable to do anything to help yourself or anyone else)

- Fear, Anger, and Disgust watched helplessly

as Joy, Sadness and the core memories were vacuumed up

into the tube.





Adverb) 어색하게, 서투르게, 어설프게

in a worried or embarrassed way

- Riley wiped her tears away as she sat down

and awkwardly buried her head in her book.





*Clutch (Clutching)

verb) (꽉) 움켜잡다 (=grip)

to take or try to take hold of something tightly,

usually in fearworry, or pain

- Joy and Sadness rocketed through the vacuum tube,

clutching the core memories.






*Not off to a good start

Verb) 좋은 출발이 아니다 / 순조로운 출발이 아니다

- The move to the new house was not off to a very good start.

- He's not off to a very good start. 



Verb) (급히) 서둘러 가다 (=rush) / Noun) 황급히[맹렬히] 달려감, 돌진, 질주

: to go somewhere quickly 

: If you dash somewhere, you run or go there quickly and suddenly.

- Riley dashed back downstairs to see if the moving van had arrived yet.




Verb) 경사지다, 기울어지다

: if you slop liquid somewhere, 

it comes out over the edge of the container, usually accidentally.

- The room was ridiculously small, and it had a sloped ceiling, which made it feel even smaller.




 Verb) 구기다, 구기적거리다

: To become crumpled or messily folded up

: to crush a piece of paper until all of it is folded

- She grabbed her hockey stick and dropped a crumpled-up piece of paper on the floor. 



 Noun) (종이, 돈 등의) 뭉치, 뭉텅이

: A wad of something such as paper or cloth is a tight bundle or ball of it.

number of usually flat and/or small objects pressed tightly together

- she used her hocky stick to move the wad of paper across the floor like a puck.



Adjective) 임시변통의

: things are temporary and usually of poor quality,

 but they are used because there is nothing better available.

- Dad grabbing a broom to use as a makeshift stick.




Verb) 세게치다, 후려치다

: to hit someone or something noisily

: If you whack someone or something, you hit them hard.

- She dribbled the paper toward the fireplace and whacked it in.



Verb) 홱 잡아당기다

: If you yank someone or something somewhere, 

you pull them there suddenly and with a lot of force.

- Joy yanked a memory sphere off the wall.


*Things are back on track

일이 정상으로 돌아오다

- The emotions cheered, and Joy smiled, happy to see

that things were back on track.





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