The Sahara was the most dangerous place on Earth 100 million years ago, according to scientists. A team of international researchers has found that the African desert region was once home to “ferocious predators” including flying reptiles and crocodile-like hunters living in a vast river system. The biggest review in almost 100 years of fossils from Cretaceous rock formations in south-eastern Morocco, known as the Kem Kem Group, has found that three of the largest predatory dinosaurs lived there. These included the sabre-toothed Carcharodontosaurus which was more than 8m long with enormous jaws and long, serrated teeth up to 20cm in length. Also living there was the 8m-long Deltadromeus, a member of the raptor family with long, slender hind limbs, as well as the predatory flying reptiles’ pterosaurs and crocodile-like hunters. Dr. Nizar Ibrahim, an assistant professor of biology at the University of Detroit Mercy and visiting researcher from the University of Portsmouth, said: “This was arguably the most dangerous place in the history of planet Earth, a place where a human time-traveler would not last very long.” Co-author of the report published in the journal ZooKeys, Professor David Martill, from the University of Portsmouth, explained the predators relied on an abundant supply of fish. He explained: “This place was filled with absolutely enormous fish, including giant coelacanths and lungfish. “The coelacanth, for example, is probably four or even five times large than today’s coelacanth. “There is an enormous freshwater saw shark called Onchopristis with the most fearsome of rostral teeth – they are like barbed daggers, but beautifully shiny.”





- Ferocious [/fəˈroʊ.ʃəs/]: 흉포한; 맹렬한, 격렬한 (=savage) 

: extremely angry or violent



- Predator [pred.ə.tər] : 포식자, 포식 동물

: an animal that huntskills, and eats other animals



- Predatory [pred.ə.tɔːr.i]포식성의, 포식 동물 같은


- Reptile : 파충류

: an animal that produces eggs and uses the heat of the sun to keep its blood warm



- Vast : (범위·크기·양 등이) 어마어마한 [방대한/막대한] (=huge)

: extremely big



- Fossils [fɑː.səl] : 화석의, 화석화된

: the shape of a bone, a shell, or a plant or animal that has been preserved in rock for a very long period



- Cretaceous [krɪˈteɪ.ʃəs] : 백악기의(공룡이 생존하던 1억 4600만 년에서 6500만 년 전의)

: from or referring to the period of time between around 144 and 65 million years ago, in which plants with flowers first appeared



- Formation : 형성, 구성, 성립

: the way something is naturally made or the way it has been arranged



- Sabre-toothed [seɪ.bə.tuːθt] : 검 모양의 송곳니가 있는



- Serrated [səˈreɪ.tɪd]: 톱니 모양의

: having a row of sharp points along the edge




- In length : 길이는, 길이에 있어서



- Raptor : 육식조, 맹금

: a bird, such as an eagle or a hawk, that kills and eats small birds and animals



- Slender : 날씬한, 호리호리한

: thin and delicate, often in a way that is attractive



- Hind limbs : 뒷다리(소,말)


- Arguably : 주장하건대, 거의 틀림없이


- Portsmouth : 영국 남부의 군항(軍港)


- Abundant : 풍부한 (=plentiful)

: more than enough


- coelacanth : 실러캔스

(주로 마다가스카르 인근 해역에서 발견되는 대형 어류. 1938년에 발견될 때까지는 멸종된 것으로 여겨졌음)


- lungfish :  폐어 

폐호흡(肺呼吸)을 하는 한 무리의 경골어류(硬骨魚類)의 총칭


- Fearsome : 무시무시


- Rostral : [동물] 부리[주둥이]의, 주둥이[부리]가 있는


- barbed : 비늘이 있는, 가시가 돋힌


- Dagger  : 단도, 단검




뭐랄까 약간 이번 본문은 내가 굳이 이런 단어까지 알아야되는걸까? 라는 생각이 드는ㅋㅋㅋ 마치 동물학자들이나 알법한 전문적인 단어들이 너무 많아서 약간 현타 아닌 현타(?)가 왔지만 그래도 꾹 참고 단어를 정리해보았다. 굉장히 낯설고 생소한 단어들이라서 읽어도 읽어도 진짜 심각하게 입에 안붙음..



Call Dialogue



야행성의 (↔diurnal

밤에 일어나는[행해지는]



졸음 과다: 비정상적으로 긴 수면.



(국가·사회의) 유산






(사람이나 국가들 사이의 이해관계로 인한) 갈등[충돌]

(국가 간의) 물리적 충돌


Confucianism, Confucian ideas



famous= popular, well-known





a lot of generation conflicts --



I really want to be independence x

I really want to be independent--o


Japan culture and Korean culture similar x
The cultures of Japan and Korea are similar--o


in countryside x
in the countryside--o
my grandmother lived countryside before x
my grandmother lived in the countryside before--o




The reference book company Merriam-Webster has added a new definition of the pronoun 'they' to its famous Webster's Dictionary. It now lists the word "they" as referring to a "single person whose gender identity is non-binary". This will be welcome news for those who identify neither as male nor female - people with non-binary identities. Many institutions have already incorporated a gender-neutral option into their official forms. A growing number of local governments, schools, and airlines have introduced the gender choice of "X" to accommodate people who do not consider themselves as male or female, and for gender fluid people who switch between different genders.



참고 서적 업체 Merriam-Webster가 '그들'이라는 대명사의 새로운 정의를 그들의 유명한 Webster 사전에 추가했습니다. 그 사전은 이제 '그들'이라는 단어를 '성 정체성이 여성도, 남성도 아닌 한 명의 사람'을 가리키는 단어로 수록합니다. 이것은 남성도 여성도 아닌 성 정체성을 지닌 이들에게 희소식일 것입니다. 많은 기관들이 이미 성 중립 선택지를 그들의 공식적인 양식에 포함했습니다. 점점 더 많은 수의 지역 정부, 학교, 그리고 항공사들이 자신을 남성 혹은 여성으로 여기지 않는 이들과 두 성별 사이를 오가는 유동적 성 정체성의 사람들을 수용하기 위해 'X'라는 성별 선택지를 도입했습니다.



성별이 남성도 여성도 아닌
성 중립의


accommodate : (의견 등을) 수용하다[담다]

fluid : 유체(流體), 유동체, 유동[가변]적인






articulation : (말로 하는) 표현, 발화; 조음(調音)

free-flowing : 자유로이 흐르는

coherent : 일관성 있는, 논리[조리] 정연한

accurate : 정확한, 정밀한

here's the thing though all right I don't expect everyone know everything
all right but definitely Americans are ignorant because like a couple times
after a show after a comedy show that you know people come up to me
hey, I gotta tell you something. are you uh North Korean or South Korean?
am i am i a north korean comedian bruh? I'm like okay honestly there's
there's millions of people starving to death in North Korea they don't allow anybody to escape
if you do escape into China and they capture you'll to take it back and torture(고문) you and sometimes
your entire family I was thinking what would it take for someone escape North Korea to China somehow
learn English through Google come here and become a stand-up comedian
he'd be the most ambitious comedian on earth to get his own HBO special. right?
I don't care about food I don't care about clothing, must tell a joke I must tell a joke
and how's the north korean comedian gonna be like man
hello everybody, i am american, anybody have food today?

yeah i tried for two days in a row(잇달아, 연이어) amazing


it's a serious situation that's why i want to get a tattoo that raise awareness 


like a lot of women they get tattoos of butterflies above their ass 


they're raising work now they're raising awareness for a butterflies are becoming extinct(멸종된, 사라진)


and every year the wings get bigger and bigger and bigger. I wanted to get a meaningful tattoo


so I got a tattoo of North and South Korea on my ass / my crack(무엇이 갈라져 생긴 금, 틈) and why you guys laughing?


why you guys laughing? every time I use a restroom I feel the pain of my divided country.


and you guys are laughing that's messed up.

I asked my boy you know Walter I'm like yo what if the North Korean leader he said that
he would release North Korean refugees into America if you took it up the ass from him he was like,
oh man dude why you ask me these questions man he's like I'll do for a million, a million refugee that
you would have to do for million right? you would have to do it you would  have to take it up the ass
if a million starving women and children [    ]  release into freedom.
you'd be a hero man, but you'd be a different kind of hero.
the rest you're alive I was like that's the person you know,
like released the refugees and you know what a statue looks like right
the statues like it go go go.


가끔 자동완성 영어자막이 틀리거나 잘못된 경우가 있다. 그래서 뭔가 좀 문맥상 이해가 안가고 이상하다 싶은 같은 것들은 최대한 직접 다시 들어보고 쓰는편인데 진짜 뭐라는지 모르겠고 잘 안들리는 부분이 있어서 그냥 공백으로 남겨두었다. ㅠㅠ 아시는분, 들리시는 분은 혹시라도 댓글로 남겨주시길..





몇년전에 봤던 영상인데  아마 지미양 스탠드업 코미디중에서 개인적으로 이 영상을 제일 베스트로 꼽고싶음ㅋㅋ





I definitely got like a little man syndrome and a lot of things like starting to tick me off(화나게하다).
do you guys shop at Whole Foods anybody? shop it okay, richwhite people in here I see it.
I'm on HBO I still can't afford(~을 살,할, 금전적 시간적 여유 형편이 되다) chicken at Whole Foods. that's messed up. 
chickens eight thousand pound at Whole Foods. eight dollars !
because all they got is the fancy organic free-range chicken.(닭장 안에 가두지 않고 놓아기른 닭).
okay?  chicken should not be more than a federal minimum wage(연방최저임금).
you shouldn't like be frying an hour worth of nuggets at McDonald's
and only afford half a chicken thigh( (닭 등의  넓적다리 고기 : 닭다리)  at Whole Foods. that's my stuff.
I don't get me wrong I'm all about(~가 너무좋다) my animal rights I'm all about like free-range animal,
but I still live in a one-bedroom apartment with two roommates.



I'm not even a free-range human being okay? I don't need to eat a chicken
they live better than i've been. the chickens on 20 acres(토지, 땅) in Napa
I'm a two hundred square foot Pacoima. it's messed up. bull shit.
cuz this how they try to sell you on the chicken like "foster farms(유통회사이름)"and "sport company(유통회사이름)"
they're like the happy of the chicken the better taste right it's bull shit. don't listen to that.
I want to eat the most miserable chicken possible. so I don't feel bad killing a happy chicken.
I want to eat the chicken that's borderline suicidal(자살을 하고싶어하는, 충동을 느끼는)
you know? just lost his custody(양육권) battle getting divorced and shit.
it's gonna kill itself anyways I'm just doing it a favor.
the "dr. Kevorkian(환자의 자살권리가 있다고 주장했던 정신과 의사)" of chickens,
and just to rob(털다, 도둑질하다) you further right just to rob you further.
these grocery stores they force you to donate money and all I'm talking about,
it's a public shaming(공개망신) is what it is. as you check about your groceries to cashier lady she's like 
sir today with the purchases fee(구매수수료) I can look, doesn't donate a dollar to the same to Children Foundation?
I'm like look bitch, all I got is four packs of ramen noodles man,
Fuck do you want from me? somebody should give me a dollar okay?
I just used coupons and my EBT card. it's messed up.
somebody's behind me in line was like "oh my god that asian chick(영계, 젊은 여자를 가리키는 모욕적인 말) is really mad."






This week we chose female body image.

Now can you discuss female body image without being insulting(모욕) and degrading(비하,저하)?

Of course not enjoy.



Now doctor what is your name and what do you do ?

I am dr.jordana mansbacher and i am a licensed therapist.

Why do you think so many women have body image issues?

There is cultural pressure there's media pressure to look a certain way. and then there is that thinking that if i look that certain way my life is going to be perfect.

Yeah women are nuts right. (여자들이란..)

How do you tell one of your patients that they've gained back too much weight?

I never tell my patients they've gained back too much weight.

Do you ever like send them a card that says you've gotten fat again?
No i want to decrease the emphasis on(중점을 두다, 강조하다) what someone looks like that's my job.
So you would never be like hey fatty fat fat fat how'd you get so fat 
You would never kind of go that route(그런식으로, 이렇게는) for make it fun
No i would never make it fun.
Now what part does the media play in making women obsess about their bodies?
The average model is 511 and weighs 114 pounds 
There you go. (훌륭하네요, 잘했네요)
And young girls and women are seeing that on magazine pages and they're thinking that that's normal 
Well you can't stop progress(발전, 진전)
That's progress ?
What would you like to be since you're not happy in this body
I think i'm nailing it (무언가를 제대로 해내었다.)  I think we're both nailing it if you don't mind me saying so.
Now uh next i'm going to talk to an anorexic(거식증) girl is there anything that i shouldn't say to her

You should avoid talking about her appearance



so you have an eating disorder.(장애, 질환) most women with low self-esteem just sleep with a bunch of guys
why didn't you just do that

you can do both 

that's what i was looking for great

can i be honest with you there's nothing wrong with you 

you are perfect other than(~외에, ~말고는) mentally.
so what is your name and what do you do 
my name is mariah and i'm cosmetologist(미용사)
why do you think the girls with a little meat on their bones are so much happier than skinny girls

we're way more happier because we're full

do you prefer the term chubby(뚱땡, 뚱보) full figured or best value

best value
that's a good one
it is.
what's the most hurtful fat joke that you've ever heard? let me give you some examples.
how do you know when a fat person has stopped eating ?
you just read their obituary(사망기사)
knock knock
 who's there
obesity who?
 it's not a joke it's a wake-up call i'm worried about it.

tell me you just got hit by a car

i just got hit by a car
oh my god is the car okay?
all right well thank you so much for being here mariah you have a great sense of humor
thank you
you are morbidly(병적으로) awesome
thank you we'll be right back with john mulaney and tj miller




Nuts : 미친, 제정신이 아닌.


사전적으로는 땅콩, 견과류라는 의미가 나오지만 여기서는 절대로 그런 뜻이 아니다. 이 역시도 흔히 사용되는 미국 슬랭중에 하나인데,  흔히 Are you nuts? 라고 하면 즉 "너 미쳤어?"라는 뜻이 된다. 여기서 nuts가 뜻하는 것은  crazy(미친), foolish(바보같은), strange(이상한)와 같은 단어라고 할 수가 있다. 


즉 위 본문에서 "Women are nuts right?" 이라고 한 것은 "여자들은 바보같죠" 또는 "멍청하죠" 라고 해석할 수 있는데 좀 더 의역해서 "여자들이란...ㅎㅎ" 이라고 번역이 된 것이라고 본다.


유의어) mad / crazy / nuts / batty / out of your mind / (notin your right mind

이 단어들은 모두 사람이 정신이 온전하지 못함을 나타내는 비격식적인 단어들이다.



 nailing it (무언가를 제대로 해내었다.)


: 자막에서는 떡을 치고도 남죠. 라는 뜻으로 의역되었는데, 실제로 Nail it은 영어 슬랭중의 하나로,

"무언가를 제대로 해내었다!"라는 뜻이 된다고 한다.

즉 어떤 임무를 성공적으로 해내거나,

어떤 일을 제대로 했을 때 쓰인다고 한다. 약간 "나 ㅈㄴ게 잘한다!" 혹은 "ㅈㄴ게 잘했다!" 라는 느낌이 아닐까 추측해본다.



제대로 놀아봅시다! We will nail it!

내일 우리가 찢어버리자! Let's nail it tomorrow!


한번 또 찢어보도록... We will try to nail it.

부숴야죠! We're going to nail it!


그래서 위 대화에서 앤소니  제슬닉이 말한 "think i'm nailing it"은 앞의 문맥과 이어서 생각해보면

"글쎄, 이정도면 (이정도 내 몸매면) 찢을 수 있을 것 같은데요." ,  "이 정도면 제대로인거 같은데" , "충분하고도 남아(ㅈㄴ쩔어서)".

등등으로 해석할 수 있을 것 같다. 본문에서는 "떡을 치고도 남겠는데요"라고 굉장히 성적인 농담의 의미가 동시에 연상되도록 번역되었다.


무언가를 제대로 해내다 -> ㅈㄴ게 잘한다, 개쩐다->ㅈㄴ쩔어서 충분하고도남음->떡을치고도 남는다

이렇게 점진적인 해석으로 의역된 뜻이 아닌가 생각해봄.




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